Monday, January 24, 2011

Cookies and Cream.... a la France!

While I was in France I happened upon a bookstore with many fabulous cookbooks. I was really excited when I found one on the many types of Creme Brulee. I've been a creme brulee connoisseur for some time, as I've dabbled in the art of making creme brulee in recipes other than vanilla (ie: coconut, chocolate, almond, white chocolate macadamia nut, cookie dough and cake name a few :) ). So this purchase was a no-brainer....even if the recipe was written in French. No worries, with the help of my trusty sidekick Amelia we have translated the recipe for you. Actually she also wrote a blog post here that is probably already better than the post I'm currently writing. Anyway, this particular creme brulee is much like the usual french dessert, except it contains a yummy Belgian cookie called speculoos inside! I knew when I bought the cookbook I'd want to make that recipe so I bought the speculoos cookies back when I was in France...however their U.S. equivalent is the biscoff cookie which can be found in Walgreens it can live on even after the speculoos have disappeared (which may be soon after I looked up another recipe that uses them too...yummy.)

And now....for the translated recipe.....

Pots de creme a la vanille et speculos 

(Makes 4-6 servings)

1 1/2 Cups Whipping Cream
1/2 Cup Milk
Just under 1/3 cup sugar
4 egg yolks
Vanilla (just under a tablespoon)
4-6 speculos cookies


Put milk and vanilla in a saucepan on low heat.

In a separate bowl whisk the egg yolks and sugar together. Add the whipping cream and mix well. Little by little, add the hot milk/vanilla mixture to the cold mixture in the bowl. Put in the fridge for at least two hours.

Set the oven for 200 degrees Fahrenheit. Put the contents of the bowl in your ramekins. Place the speculos cookies on the top of the mixture in each ramekin.

It was so delicious. One of my favorite creme brulees I've ever made...and it looked just like the picture in the book so I was very proud!! Also I would like to note that I am aware that my blog seems to plagiarize Amelia's a lot...and I am okay with that.


  1. Dang it! If I'd known you were going to post, I would have waited to put up the post on berries! I didn't mean to steal your thunder!

    What a nice surprise to discover that my sweet little sister finally added a recipe to our blog! And you did a fantastic job on the pictures too! That creme brulee looks amazing. Did you make that for dessert last night when we weren't there? If so, I'm so sad that I missed out!

  2. You and mom are going to have to take care of our little food blog when Laurie and I have our babies in February!

    I've been blogging up a storm because I just know that once the baby comes, I won't be blogging again until April or May!

  3. So when are you going to make them for the whole bunch? Maybe I need to buy some ramekins....except that I know they would end up being used to feed Milo.

  4. oh mother, they wouldn't be used to feed milo!
    I think I am going to make these for valentines dinner. Unless baby comes before then! Good work little sister on your first foodie family blog. Keep em coming
