
Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Is a 33 Year Old Recipe Retro?

One of the reasons that we started this blog was so we would have a central place for those recipes that we had trouble finding.  Finding a recipe doesn't sound that hard unless you saw how many cookbooks I have, totes full of printed recipes, papers floating around, etc.  Well, this recipe is a real keeper.  It was in a church (ward) cookbook that I bought at least 33 years ago while I lived in West Valley.

The whole process of ward/church cookbooks may fall by the wayside with today's technology and that will be a real shame.  There was something wonderful about having a whole book of recipes that were tried and true by your neighbors.  You learned very quickly who were the best cooks and who...shall we say...were a little challenged.

Well, this recipe is a real go-to recipe.  I have used it a few times when it's my turn to take dinner at the museum where I volunteer as a docent.  It has such a fresh taste and is always a favorite.  I took it once to a company pot luck and the president of the company went back for thirds, which was unheard of!!



1 small package spaghetti ( 8 - 10 oz.)
4 medium tomatoes, diced
2 medium cucumbers, diced
cubed spam or ham as desired
1 red onion, diced
1 small bottle Italian dressing
1/2 bottle Salad Supreme (found in the spice section)


Cook spaghetti according to directions. (You may or may not break into pieces before cooking.)  Drain. Rinse.  Add other ingredients and let set 6 to 8 hours in refrigerator before serving.

Originally submitted by Naomi Telford.

Cook's notes:  Salad supreme is hard to find.  It's not a must.  I've made the salad with or without and it works great either way.  I don't think I have ever used spam, but it would work great.  Now Barelli brand spaghetti has cut spaghetti in a box.  This works great.  You don't need to break up the spaghetti, but the salad is harder to eat.

I can't stress enough how dependable this salad is for pot luck occasions.

We have posted this awhile back. You can find our original post here.

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